
PyTraffic 2.5.3

Image PyTraffic 2.5.3
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  • Developer:

    Michel Vandenbergh

  • OS:

    Windows ME

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Try to solve this three-dimensional puzzle"

If you're a puzzle lover, PyTraffic will provide you with endless hours of fun. This game proposes a series of puzzles that base their addiction on the ease of their system to solve them.

The only goal is to get the tractor out of the big jam in the dashboard. For this you have to move several vehicles, from simple cars to limousines, through ambulances and school buses.

The difficulty of PyTraffic increases exponentially as you advance through levels, the final stages being a challenge even for those with an innate ability to solve puzzles.